The Problem:
Whilst there are Well meaning Organisations like that are trying to address the inequalities in our society,
What They, and Everyone else, don’t seem to realise is that:
The World is in the state that it currently is :> Because of Money.
(which is itself a result of the State of Thinking on this planet)
1. Built in Obsolescence:
Built to fail.
Just so that you ‘Have To’ buy Another one…
Just so that they can Make More Money…
Never mind the Cost to All of us, Or the Cost to the planet…
2. Injecting water into food,
Just so that it weighs more,
Just so that they can charge you more, for Less…
3. Resizing Packaging but still charging you the same price..
Just so that they can charge you more, for Less…
4. A Certain Few People / Companies raiding the Resources of Earth,
Which Don’t Actually Belong to them,
(they belong to All Life…)
then they charge others for their stolen goods…
5. When Manufacturing: Knowingly Choosing materials that will have a limited lifetime,
Like using plastics that will be used outdoors in the sunshine,
which will simply Rot Over Time as UV light Degrades plastics.
In what world is that a Sensible thing to do ?
Answer: In a very short term world,
where it’s ok to satisfy the Short Term, Shallow Thinking and Greed of the Selfish Few,
(Some would say Stupid or Unintelligent…)
for a single lifetime…
Money is the wrong Driver for this planet.
Before money, the planet was fine.
So, the so called Intelligent species:
Is Doing the Wrong Things,.
For the Wrong Reasons.
What Needs to happen?:
Is the Realignment of our thinking Back to Reality.
Which Also means: Realignment of our Values, Morals and Principles…
This Planet Could run like clockwork, and be the Garden of Eden That it Once Was.
All it takes is Clear Thinking (which Also means proper Values, Morals and Principles…) and Organisation.
It’s Not actually that Difficult At All.
The Difficult thing, is Educating the so called Intelligent People,
that have lost sight and knowledge of what it is to survive and live well in Harmony with this planet.
(and everything else On it...)
They have lost sight of the fact that: Everything Else has been around longer than we have,
And We, Depend on it All.
We are the Least Important thing on this planet,
(Simply because we depend on everything Else...)
and We are Messing it up and Destroying the Thing(s) that We Depend on…
For what ? Money ?
Not Really that Intelligent, Is it…
And , It’s Blindingly Obvious, to anyone with even a ounce of Sense…
And with some perspective on the Whole System…
The Distraction and Misdirection is Money.
Money is an offset.
It’s not the thing you should be aiming At or For.
It is the Wrong Reason. You can't Breathe it, Eat it, or Drink it.
It is Unsustainable.