Reducing Inequality:

There are also Other Organisations trying to work towards a fairer, greener, and more prosperous society,

but Again, they have not realised that in order to be prosperous, one has to actually remove money from the system and the process.

Money is the thing that is Actually Actively Creating the Inequality.

For Instance:

Their statement:

Reducing regional inequality, or levelling up, remains imperative for both improving the fairness of society, and the efficiency of our economy. If the UK was more regionally equal, life chances would be more fairly distributed across the country and the full economic potential of our regions would be realised. There is the potential to build an economy where wealth, power and opportunity are shared more fairly. But to do this, we need to rethink the regional distribution of economic and democratic power.

Does not recognise that Money is the thing, that is Actually, Actively, Creating the Inequality that they are trying to solve.

The Fairness of society, Is Easily solved,

Simply by recognising that Every Human is Already Equal and Already has an Equal share of Earth's Resources.

Absolutely No Need for an 'Economy'

For those of us that can live quite happily and abundantly in the wild, if you need something, All you have to do is go and get it from the Earth.

But You still have to do the Work, to get and use the resource.

and we also put something back or improve the resource for those that come behind us.

based on the principle that if the person in front of you didn't do the same thing,

you would not be able to eat, as the resource would be depleted.

'Wealth, power and opportunity are shared more fairly', again Is Easily solved,

Simply by recognising that Every Human is Already Equal and Already has an Equal share of Earth's Resources.

Inequality Is Easily Solved

Instead of Trying to Make it Equal,

All you have to do Is SET IT Equal At The Start...

We Are All Already Equal - We Always Were...

All Lives Matter.

See - Levels of Thinking