The Alternative Paradigm:

The Only Alternative to Money, is No Money At All.

And, Believe it or not, The present system would Still, Actually work...

If you needed something, All you would have to do is Still go to your supplier of that thing,

It would then be Given to you.

If your supplier needed something, then they would got to their normal supplier.

whatever they needed would be given to them.

and so on, up the supply chain,

until the final supplier needs something,

and then they finally go to the Earth to supply whatever they need. (which they would have done anyway...)

(Take a look at Resources)

The Only difference would be:

That No Money Actually changes hands, as The Earth has Always Been the Final or Ultimate Suppplier of Everything, Forever, Anyway...

So they wouldn't steal it from the Earth, in order to Sell it to you...

Which is what is Actually Happening Right Now...

So, Nothing Actually Changes, So it could Happen IMMEDIATELY, TODAY, If we wanted it to....

There Are however Some Real Consequences to this which may need pointing out...