Making Better Decisions:
We have found that Decisions, are the equivalent of a parameterised query returning a yes or no answer.
For two different people, and the same decision:
You will decide things one way because of the parameters you have selected to make that decision.
Someone else will decide things the other way because of the parameters they have selected to make that decision.
You were the one to select and set your parameters.
They were the one to select and set theirs.
You were free to select and set your parameters.
They were free to select and set theirs.
You are both free to decide ‘Why’ you set those particular parameters.
Again with the very same apparatus…
You can both decide differently for the same thing.
Person One might think:
Decision = Query(P1 = 'is it alright for me?')
Person Two might think:
Decision = Query(P1 = 'is it alright for me?' , P2 = 'is it alright for Any/Everyone Else?)
Person Three might think:
Decision = Query(P1 = 'is it alright for me?' , P2 = 'is it alright for Any/Everyone Else?, P3 = 'is it alright for the Planet?)
Person Four might think:
Decision = Query(P1 = 'F**K It...' )
Which is the Default, Do it Anyway, Without thinking About it...
So, As you can see The problem is that: Humans can Decide Anything, in Any way At All, for Any, or No Reason.
Which is Why the Planet is in the state that it Currently is.
The quality of the Decision, Yes or No, Depends Entirely on the Number and Quality of the Parameters.
Now we get to Optimisation:
Optimisation is similar.
It all depends on what you are optimising for.
If you are the sort that only has one parameter:
Optimal Decision = Query(P1 = 'Most Money')
Then We can Guarantee You that:
P2 = 'is it alright for Any/Everyone Else? Will be a 'No'
P3 = 'is it alright for the Planet? Will also be a 'No'
We Need a Collaborative Change in Mindset.
We All need to Change Our Values...
(At the Same time...)
and What we are Aiming for, and What Sort of Life We All Want.
It seems Obvious to Us, where We should be Heading.
How About You ?
Let us Know.