
In a Stable, Peaceful Society, of Self Developing, Self Exploring,

Self Educated People, Enhancing the World,

and All that is in it, for the benefit of All Life,

All that Governance needs to do, is Facilitate Life, not to Suppress it, or Subjugate it,

and it needs to Facilitate Life in an Organised Sustainable Way.

It Starts with removing Money.

Then Changing Education: Showing children how to live in the wild,

Showing them how little they Actually Need,

Showing them through Proper Values, Self Discipline, and Self Control,

How to live in Harmony with Everything Else around them, (which they Depend on...)

Showing them Positively Creative, Critical and Clear Thinking, together with Problem Solving Approaches and Techniques.

Manufacturing: to build things in a Durable, Lasting, Repairable, Sustainable Way.

Think of the speed of Development of Humanity,

Think of what could be Achieved.

One World, One People. One Life For All Life

An Equal Share (of Earth) for All.
All on the Same planet, Endlessly Floating through space.

Why not have a Happy Life for All ?

Time for a (Sensible) change ?