Possible Actions:
Depending upon Your Feedback.
there are many possibilities for Action to be taken.
We could set up a new Political Party: The Sensible Party... or the Egalitarian Party or whatever name We can come up with.
(Your Feedback on that would be useful...)
We are still Building the list of Actions and Priorities, and Need Your Help Doing so, as there is so much to consider.
But for a start:
We would Ban Built In Obsolescence, and Require manufacturers to build things Properly and Sustainably.
We would Ban Injecting water into food for no good reason.
The Education system also needs looking at.
We Should be teaching Positively Creative, Critical and Clear Thinking, together with Problem Solving Approaches and Techniques.
That in itself would solve a Multitude of problems from ever starting:
With things like Mental Health, Self Esteem, Self Worth, Depression, Anxiety etc. etc.
All things Are Solvable.
We have Never Seen a problem that Wasn't.
We Have Done and Solved the Impossible, Many Times.