Oct 19, 2021
Freewill Defines itself and Controls itself.
(funnily, It’s the Definition of freewill… and a recursive, or self-definition.)
Freewill is an Emergent Property of Recursion.
The problem of, and solution to Freewill is very Simple:
The Mathematical Solution to the Freewill problem, is Contradiction.
Contradiction is Recursion with a Different Answer….
Which is Categorically Not Deterministic.
We are ‘Self Defining’
We Define Ourselves.
We are free to do that in any way at all.
We do it Recursively.
If you don’t like something — change it.
If you find out something new — change it.
If you find a ‘better’ way — change it.
The problem: is that we are Free to do it in Any way at all.
The Solution: is that we are Free to do it in Any way at all.
We are Already Free.
It’s why it’s Freewill…
Without Feedback, Any System is Doomed to Failure.
Self Control is Achieved by Recursion or Feedback to Redefine when going out of bounds or out of control.
Trouble is: ‘You’ defined the bounds…
But Luckily, we have Freewill, and can Change those at ‘will’.